Herb Zinser reviews the C.P. Snow , Alan Sokal, Thomas Kuhn SOCIAL SCIENCE wars

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The secret societies of the University of Wisconsin in Madison help explain the Henri Bergson 2015 attack in Paris France

RD-blog-number-6867 by Herb Zinser  reviews the murder of Haroon Khan of Milwaukee and the murder Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin in the EM (electromagnetic field)   interaction with MET (metabolism) war zone  …….. the  EARTH geography surface  location  of  EM + MET –> EMMET…


Paris attack ….. revenge for the death of President Kennedy and the death of Emile Zola —> 1 death on September 29 …. in curious circumstances

RD-blog-number-6743  by Herb Zinser reviews several situations ….  including the Emile Zola DEATH   ….. the revenge  in Paris in November 2015. Paris Prosecutor: 129 Dead, 352 Injured in ISIS Terrorist … www.people.com/article/paris–death-toll-129–dead-ISIS-attack People 1 day ago – One American was killed in…


The Emile Zola electromagnetic (EM) WARS of parallel expression systems — locations EMMET and SiKH Temple

RD-blog-number-6727 by Herb Zinser  reviews the murder of Haroon Khan of Milwaukee and the murder Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin in the EM (electromagnetic field)   interaction with MET (metabolism) war zone  …….. the  EARTH geography surface  location  of  EM + MET –> EMMET…


The thermodynamics system WARS expressed VIA the Virginia TECH and Umpqua College shootings

    Justice Black and C.P. Snow explain the bio-physics thermodynamics conflicts   RD-blog-number-6687 by Herb Zinser reviews the molecular thermodynamic wars on EARTH that are expressed VIA human  molecular display devices  ….  unfortunately their  conscious MIND is aware of the pain that…


The math contradictions WAR, symbolism, and El Salvador Dali with Oliver North

RD-blog-number-6487 by Herb Zinser reviews the BRAIN  language war reports that are printed in the newspapers and magazines  AND  broadcast on radio  and television.   Let’s look at some math language military codes … Above..from the bottom  ..line 3 words – -> both…


NASA explains the CPT symmetry war at MIT university that results in death of agent Tsarnaev

Rd-blog-number-6331 by Herb Zinser reviews the human electron volt(ev)  WAR in the greater Boston region  …. with Cambridge and Watertown, Massachusetts. The year 2913 battle field ……….       definition of an electron volt (eV) – NASA Science – Science@NASA science.nasa.gov ›…


Boy Scout(BS) Sam Hengel killed in the Biot-Savart LEGAL conflict

RD-blog-number- 6274 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH iron core / magnetic field  war zone … centered around the greater geography region of  IRON MOUNTAIN, Michigan  and northern Wisconsin.             Biot–Savart law In physics, specifically electromagnetism, the Biot–Savart…


The Samuel DuBose signaling EVENT explains the Indian Embassy and Hindu Bose-Einstein condensate EARTH WARS

RD-blog-number-6157 by Herb Zinser reviews the Samuel DuBose murder as a consequence of  Department of Justice  BOSTON TRIAL of  Bose-Einstein statistics with concept agent Tsarnaev  …… and the death sentence orders issued from the  Department  of Justice Bos region –> Boston.   Boston…


The Wisconsin sin wave interceptor explains the Nikola Tesla Sino-Korean conflict expressions

RD-blog-number-6187 by Herb Zinser reviews the Wisconsin earth  interceptor region for SIN WAVES. sin wave life forms,   and their translation into standard ENGLISH language  ….  basic science explanations  of  Nature’s human EVENTS and REALITY processes.     Wisconsin earth ……. …………sine  –>…